We played Halloween music all morning, and I plan on keeping the tunes rolling. Thriller has been played a few times...these kids need to understand good music.
Random fact today: My wedding dress arrived at the FedEx office yesterday. I picked it up this morning before school (because I couldn't stand to wait) and then tried it on during the lunch hour. Yep, just me and two fellow intern friends in the Kindergarten room. My coop teacher came to see me as well. It was a little ridiculous but such an exciting moment!!
Back to real life
The classroom is a disaster and full of pumpkin guts. I love it! A little tip: instead of newspaper on the floor, roll out residential sized poly. Then throw all the pumpkin guts in the middle, roll it up and chuck it. The floor doesn't turn black from the ink in the newspaper, and the clean up is simple. If you need to track some down, ask a friend who has recently built a house or done renovations. Guaranteed they have some lying around.
If you have students with tactile and texture issues (teachers, you know what I mean) I recommend having a pair of rubber gloves in your classroom. I watched one of my students poke and prod his pumpkin with all kinds of tools, refusing to get his hands dirty. Most kids, I just make them dig in and get their hands dirty. But you have to be sensitive to those particular students "on the spectrum" or who cannot handle this type of activity. As soon as the gloves went on, he was in there like a dirty shirt.
And the winner is...
A close second and third place
I love Halloween, and I will always celebrate it in my classroom. What did you do for Halloween today?